Moxibustion (moxa) is a Traditional Oriental therapy, which involves the burning of specific herbs (Artemesiae vulgaris) directly on the acupuncture points.
Today, moxibustion is frequently used alongside acupuncture to treat a deficiency of “yang” energy in the body.
Yang energy governs movement and warmth, and a deficiency of yang results in cold symptoms. The patient may feel cold, or may complain of cold hands and feet, incontinence, or loose stools.
Our clinic uses a couple of moxibustion techniques. The first technique, called “indirect moxibustion,” involves a special container to allow the herbs to be placed inside or on the container to prevent burning of the skin. The other technique used in our clinic is the “heating needle” technique, where a roll of dried herb (mugwort) is attached and ignited directly on the head of an acupuncture needle.